Joy, Pleasure and Happiness

Anshuman Sharma
Nov 14, 2022

Joy or Pleasure for happiness. Pleasure stimulate temporary weakness while joy kindles true happiness.

Chart1- Happiness with pleasure, which is due to external factor that are not in your control, is a roller coaster ride. This can lead to negative happiness leading to pain and depression.

Chart 2- Happiness with joy, the happiness that comes from your inside- actions that are in your control. This is much smooth and consistent. Joy never leads to negative happiness.

Chart 3- We need to keep as joy the primary driver of our happiness, which will never lead you to zero or negative happiness. We should also be open to pleasurable experiences but without sharp turns and spikes.

Chart4- This should be the final driver of happiness, joy as fundamental and pleasure adding to it without any spike, sharp curves or negative happiness.

Anshuman Sharma

